Crush Your Goals in 2019!

the buff mom

You've set a goal to improve your health and fitness, now it's time to take action. Start today at whatever point you're at - and keep looking forward. Here are six tips to make it happen.  You've got this!

1. Plan Meals. 

If you’re finding you’re short on time, PLANNING will help. Take a few minutes at the beginning of the week to plan out those meals. Your week will flow with ease. 

2. Schedule Your Workouts.

Mark these in your calendar and treat them like important appointments with your doctor or dentist. No cancelling! You are just as important. BTW we have 5, 10, and 20 minute workouts available on The Buff Mom TV.

3. Prioritize Your Time.

Ask yourself, “What’s important to me? What do I value?” (For example, time with your family, a healthy lifestyle, relaxation.) Next take a look at how you’re spending your time. Do your daily activities reflect this? Where can you make changes?

4. Invest in Sleep.

Go to bed 15 minutes earlier. Wake up 15 minutes earlier. This gives you extra time to focus on YOU before you need to focus on everyone else. Sleep is essential to your results.

5. Small Steps.

Focus on one change at a time, rather than trying to do everything at once. Success is about doing small things consistently. Choose one "small step" each week. For example; more water, protein, or eating more veggies.

6. You are worth it.

A more balance, healthy, and positive YOU means everyone else in your life will benefit:) Carving out "me time" and honouring that commitment is self care at its best.

All the best for a fabulous, fit and healthy 2019!

To read our latest Buff Mom success story, click here.

Spots filling quickly for our New Year Jump Start 2019. Classes begin Jan. 7th. Register today click here.